Mcculloch 838 Chainsaw

From inside (document excerpt):


MAC 835S-AV 22600035-27 PN 211883 MAC 836S-AV 22600035-24 MAC 838S-AV 22600038-36 MAC CAT 839-14 22600038-53 MAC CAT 839-16 22600038-32 MAC CAT 839-18 22600038-33 EUROMAC S 34P 22600035-40 EUROMAC S 38P 22600038-43 EUROMAC S 39P 22600038-42 SEPTEMBER 1998 AjMcCULLDCH® 1998 McCulloch Corporation, P.O. Box 11990, Tucson, AZ 85734-1990 C324947-01 CARB. 2-STG, ZAMA,high moving – alIa rolazione – haute demande – groBe Nachfrage B =medium moving – media rolazione – moyenne demande – mittelmaBige Nachfrage C =slow moving – bassa rolazione – basse demande – wenige Nachfrage 300264 C @ 300858 4 CD.

Mcculloch 838 Chainsaw Parts

Vintage McCulloch chainsaws for sale may be 12 inches long. Today's McCulloch chainsaws start off with lengths of at 14 inches. 14-inch McCulloch chainsaws can be used on smaller trees as well as for pruning and trimming. The larger models have chainsaw lengths going up to 18 inches. MAC 835S-AV 22600035-27 PN 211883 MAC 836S-AV 22600035-24 MAC 838S-AV 22600038-36 MAC CAT 80038-53 MAC CAT 80038-32 MAC CAT 80038-33 EUROMAC S 34P 22600035-40 EUROMAC S 38P 22600038-43 EUROMAC S 39P 22600038-42 SEPTEMBER 1998 AjMcCULLDCH® 1998 McCulloch Corporation, P.O. Box 11990, Tucson, AZ C324947-01 CARB. 2-STG, ZAMA,high moving – alIa rolazione. Thanks for watching. This McCulloch chainsaw wasn't start and after some digging around I found out the reason. This is part 1 of the repair.

Vintage Mcculloch Chainsaw Models

Mac 833, Mac 835, Mac 838, McCulloch 833, McCulloch 835, McCulloch 838: Model Year: 1995: Product Brand: McCulloch, Support Phone for US: Wheeled (Mowers, Tractors, Tillers, Snow Throwers) - 1-800-849-1297 McCulloch Handheld (Chainsaws, Trimmers, Blowers, Edgers) - 1-800-554-6723 All McCulloch Products - 1-800-521-8559: Document File Type: PDF. H='High Speed' L='Low Speed' Are you sure the T is not maybe an I instead? In any case, I suspect the T would be the Idle Stop adjustment, which basically just holds the throttle open to keep the engine running at Idle, screwing it in (clockwise) should increase the idle speed, while unscrewing (counter clockwise) will decrease the idle speed.