Pokemon Black And White Episode 2 Enter Iris And Axew

Pokemon season 14 episode 2 enter iris and axew

  1. Pokemon: Black And White Episode 2 Enter Iris And Axew
  2. Pokemon Season 14 Episode 2 Enter Iris And Axew

Enter Iris & Axew (661). The episode starts with. The black shaded pokemon that have been seen in the anime are now coloured in the opening. Unova League:-Black & White-In The Shadow of Zekrom! Enter Iris and Axew! A Sandile Gusher of Change! The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice! Triple Leaders, Team Threats! Dreams by the Yard Full! Snivy Plays Hard to Catch! Saving Darmanitan From the Bell! The Bloom Is on Axew! A Rival Battle for Club Champ!

Season 14 | Episode 2

After being struck by lightning, Pikachu is having trouble using its Electric-type attacks...but a second strange thunderstorm heals the Pokémon just as quickly! Professors Oak and Juniper attribute the ordeal to the Legendary Pokémon Zekrom and agree that further research is needed.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket has arrived in the Unova region and prepares to launch an operation designed to steal both Zekrom and Pikachu! Ash is eager to start his new journey, and armed with a new Pokédex and new Poké Balls, our hero sets out to meet as many Unova Pokémon as he can. While trying to catch a Pidove, Ash runs into a girl named Iris and her Pokémon Axew. It doesn’t take long for Team Rocket to launch a plot to steal Pikachu, Pidove, and Axew, too! Of course, Ash springs into action, battling his old enemies Jessie, James, and Meowth. He gets some help from an unexpected source: Oshawott, who has been following Ash and Pikachu since they left Professor Juniper’s lab. Before long, all the Pokémon are safely returned, while Team Rocket mysteriously vanishes.

The group visits the Pokémon Center, where Nurse Joy restores Pikachu, Axew, and Pidove to perfect health. Iris admits that although Ash acts “like a kid,” she is impressed with the way he sprang into action when saving their three Pokémon. And Ash wonders out loud why Oshawott helped them out the way it did...

Pokemon Black & White

Episode 02: Enter Iris and Axew!

Story Copyright 2012 by AshK don't use with out my written permission.

Previously on Pokemon Black & White...

'Pikachu could you try a Thunderbolt please?' Ash asks. 'I want to make sure you are ready to continue our journey.'

Pikachu nods as his cheeks spark. He then sends a Thunderbolt at Ash which hits him. Due to the close proximity of Hilda to Ash, she is shocked as well. Luckily the two Professors and Delia are far enough away and aren't shocked. The Thunderbolt from Pikachu proves that he can now use electric attacks again.

'I'm glad to see you are all better Pikachu!' Ash says.

'So am I.' Hilda says as she turns to ask Ash a question. 'Hey Ash, can I travel with you through Unova?' Hilda asks. 'After all, I grew up here. I also waited a few years before I started my journey. You don't mind if I go with you do you?'

'I don't mind, if Pikachu doesn't mind.' Ash said as he turned to his Pokemon. 'Is it okay for Hilda to travel with us?'

Pikachu nods and jumps from Ash's shoulder to Hilda's shoulder and nuzzles her.

'It looks like Pikachu wants you to come with him and me Hilda.' Ash said. 'I think it will be a great idea for you to travel with us.'

'Thank you Ash!' Hilda exclaimed. 'Thank you!'

Hilda then inadvertantly hugged Ash, which caught him off guard, Ash hugged her back.

'I think we will be a good team!' Ash remarked.

'So do I!' Hilda said.

Pokemon: Black And White Episode 2 Enter Iris And Axew

With that Ash and Hilda said goodbye to Delia, Professor Oak, and Professor Juniper. However Professors Oak and Juniper stopped them.

'I think you should take these with you.' Professor Juniper said as she handed Ash a blue Cross-Transceiver and Hilda a pink one. 'They will help you keep in touch with me better along with Professor Oak.'

Pokemon Season 14 Episode 2 Enter Iris And Axew

'That's a good idea.' Ash said as he put his on. 'Thank you Professor Juniper!'

'We will be sure to keep in touch.' Hilda said as she put hers on. 'What are these anyway?'

'They are called Cross-Transceivers.' Professor Oak said. 'They have all the functions of a Pokegear, Poketch, and Pokenav all into one. It's the latest thing.'

'Thank you so much both of you.' Hilda said. 'It was nice to meet you Mrs. Ketchum, Professor Oak.'

'Same here!' Delia said. 'Take care of my boy!'

Hilda giggles at that. 'I sure will Mrs. Ketchum.' Hilda says.

'You two should take care of each other.' Professor Juniper said.

'That is the best thing to do.' Professor Oak said.

Ash and Hilda nodded as they were off for an exciting journey through Unova. Ash decided to enter the Unova League along with Hilda. Now their Unova journey has commenced.

As the Journey Continues...

As Ash and Hilda continued their journey through Unova they heard a rustle in bushes. A Purple mop of hair could be seen through the bushes. They then heard a Pokemon cry. 'Axew.' The Pokemon voice said.

'Huh?' Hilda asked. 'Um Ash I think there is a Pokemon in that bush.'

'Oh wow!' Ash said as he took out his Pokedex.

The Pokedex analyzed the Pokemon and Ash thought about catching it, but thought better of it.

'Hilda, I think you should catch it.' Ash said. 'I already have a Dragon Type Pokemon with me. Besides you only have one Pokemon, and I have four with me. It's only fair that you get the first catch since you are from this region and I'm not.'

'Thank you Ash!' Hilda said as she excitedly hugged Ash causing him to blush. Ash thought about releasing Hilda, but thought better of it and hugged Hilda back. This caused Hilda to blush. Noticing their close proximity, they quickly broke apart. 'S-sorry Ash.' Hilda said embarrassedly with a hand behind her back in an Ash-like manner.

'I-I'm the one that should be sorry.' Ash said with the same pose as Hilda. 'I was completely out of line.'

'Why don't we just agree to disagree?' Hilda asked.

'That sounds good to me.' Ash said. 'You better catch that Pokemon before it gets away.'

'Oh yeah, that's right!' Hilda said as she threw the Pokeball at the mass of purple hair and heard a thump.

'Ouch!' Iris said as she stepped out of the bushes. 'What's the big deal throwing Pokeball at my face!'

'We thought you were a Pokemon.' Ash said. 'Sorry about that.'

'Well don't do it again!' Iris said. 'By the way, maybe this is the Pokemon your dexes analyzed.'

Iris then pointed to a green Pokemon with tusks in its mouth. 'This is my Pokemon Axew.'

'I'm Ash.' Ash said. 'This is my very first Pokemon Pikachu.'

Pikachu waved hi to the palm-tree haired girl.

'My name is Hilda, I am from Nuvema Town.' Hilda said.

'My name is Iris.' The palm-tree haired girl said.

Ash then spotted a Pidove and analyzed it.

'Wow! Who's that Pokemon?' Ash asked as he pulled out his Pokedex. The dex analyzed and mentioned it was female and said it was a Pidove.

'Pikachu use Thundershock!' Ash said.

The thundershock hit the Pidove causing it a lot of damage. Ash then throws a Pokeball and captures it quickly.

'We better get to a Pokemon Center to heal the Pidove I just caught.' Ash said. 'Pikachu could probably also use a rest.'

Everyone agreed, but then all of a sudden Ash's stomach growled followed closely by Hilda and Pikachu. Iris's stomach then growled followed by Axews.

'I will go get some berries.' Iris said. 'I will be right back, come on Axew.'

Then all of a sudden a Deerling appeared out of the bushes. Since at the time, it was spring, it's fur was pink. Hilda then analyzed it with her Pokedex.

The Pokedex then told Hilda and Ash about how it's coat changes with the seasons. Pink for Spring, Green for Summer, Orange for Autumn and White for Winter. It also mentioned that this one was female just like her Tepig was.

'Oh wow!' Ash said. 'A Pokemon that changes with the seasons. I think you should battle it Hilda. Maybe you will catch it. By the way are you going to nickname your Tepig. I see you put a bow on her head.'

'I am not really sure Ash.' Hilda said as she turned to her starter. 'Would you like a nickname Tepig?'

Tepig nodded as she cuddled up against Hilda.

'So how does Trinity(1) sound?' Hilda asked.

Tepig thought about it for a bit, and then decided that it liked the name Trinity.

'Okay then you should be called Trinity.' Hilda said. 'Well Trinity are you ready to battle your first Pokemon?'

Trinity nodded and took a battling stance.

'Okay Trinity start off with tackle and follow up with Ember!' Hilda said.

Trinity did so as it headed straight for the Deerling and struck it dead on. The Deerling stood up but it was struggling.

'Now Hilda time to catch it!' Ash said to his companion.

Hilda nodded and threw a Pokeball. It wiggled three times and stopped.

'Oh yes!' Hilda exclaimed. 'I just caught a Deerling!'

Hilda then high-fived Ash, which Ash returned. She also high-fived Pikachu as well.

Somewhere from the brush, Oshawott was watching. He wondered if he would ever find a trainer like Ash to take care of him.

'I think I will give you a nickname as well if that's okay with you.' Hilda said as she released her Deerling.

Deerling nodded happily.

'I think I will call you Deena does that sound cool to you?' Hilda asked her newly caught Pokemon.

The newly named Deena nodded happily as she snuggled with Hilda and then made friends with Trinity the Tepig.

Iris soon came back with all kinds of berries.

'Alright!' Ash says. 'It's chow time! Bayleef, Swellow, Gible, and Pidove come on out!'

With that all of Ash's Pokemon that were in Pokeballs went over to several plates with berries on them. All of the Pokemon ate happily.

Iris screeched in awe at Gible. The Land Shark Pokemon showed his gratitude by biting her hair.

'Let go of my hair you stupid Pokemon!' Iris said.

'Gible! Knock it off, Iris is traveling with us so you have to be nice to her. She didn't mean to scream she just screamed because... why did she scream anyway?' Ash exclaimed then asked.

'I would like to know the same thing.' Hilda said as she helped Ash pry Gible off of Iris's hair. Luckily there was no damage to it though it was spiked a bit. Ash and Hilda laughed. Iris was not happy at all. Ash and Hilda stopped laughing and looked at Iris with a smile. Ash was the one that spoke up.

'Sorry about my Gible Iris.' Ash said. 'He just likes to meet new people and gets excited when he does, though you probably shouldn't of squealed while Gible was eating why did you squeal anyway?'

'I did that because I want to be the world's best Dragon Master!' Iris exclaimed.

'With that kind of attitude, you can accomplish anything Iris.' Hilda said.

Iris nodded and watched as the Pokemon finished their food, Ash and Hilda then returned their Pokemon to their Pokeballs with the exception of Trinity and Pikachu.

'Trinity, do you want to stay outside of the Pokeball or do you want to stay inside of it?' Hilda asked.

Trinity thought about it, and then jumped onto Hilda's shoulder.

'I guess that answers your question Hilda.' Ash said. 'It looks like Trinity wants to be like Axew and Pikachu.'

Hilda nodded and put Trinity's Pokeball in her bag for safe keeping. Hilda would be able to keep Trinity out until she evolved into Pignite.

Just then out of nowhere, three arms grabbed Pikachu, Trinity, and Axew off of their trainers' shoulders from out of a smokescreen created by something big.

'Who did that?' Hilda asked.

'Give us back our Pokemon! What do you want with them?' Iris asked.

'Yeah, why did you take Pikachu?' Ash asked.

'Who, what why?' Three voices said in succession.

'What twerpish questions indeed...' A Female voice said.

'The answers to come as we feel the need!' A Male voice said.

'Bringing the blinding white light of evil into the future!' the female said.

'Thrusting the hammer of justice down onto the black darkness of the universe!' the male said.

'Carving our names into the Rock of Eternity!' a cat like voice exclaimed

'The fiery destroyer, Jessie!' Jessie said as the half the smokescreen dissipated.

'And with thunderous emotion, I am James!' James exclaimed after the other half of the smokescreen vanished.

'Wisest of the wise, Meowth!' Meowth exclaimed.

'And now gather under the name of Team Rocket!' All three of them exclaimed as they started to fly off into the balloon.

'Pidove, Swellow I choose you! Go pop that balloon!' Ash said.

Pidove and Swellow did so, but before Team Rocket could blast off, they realized that they have forgotten something very important.

'Our jetpacks aren't with us!' Meowth said as the Balloon sank to the ground.

'I knew we forgot something.' James said.

'Idiots! How are we going to conquer the world with you two forgetting things! Go Woobat use Air Slash on those two Pokemon.

The air slash was really fast and knocked Pidove out. Swellow dodged with ease.

'Pidove return!' Ash said. 'Swellow use Aerial Ace on Woobat!'

Swellow easily knocked Woobat out.

'Another worthless Pokemon catch!' Jessie exclaimed as she recalled her Woobat.

'Great job Swellow return you deserve a good rest.' Ash said as he recalled his bird Pokemon.

'Oh here they are!' James said as he found their jetpacks. 'Let's get these three Pokemon and skedaddle!'

However before either Jessie, James, or Meowth could do anything they were all three hit by a shell, which also an otter-like Pokemon used to cut the cages of Axew, Trinity, and Pikachu open releasing them. The three trainers quickly caught the Pokemon and thanked Oshawott.

'Now Pikachu! Send them away with a Thunder Attack!' Ash said.

'Not so fast twerps, we will see you three again and we will get your Pokemon to help Team Rocket conquer the world.' Jessie said as she and her companions finished strapping on their jetpacks and used them to take off before they can be blasted off.

'Oh no they got away!' Hilda said.

'Don't worry, those three will never leave us alone!' Ash said. 'I guarantee they will be back.'

'We will see you later Oshawott.' Iris said. 'Thanks again for your help.'

With that, Ash, Hilda and Iris continued their journey through Unova with two new friends added to their family and Oshawott being close behind.

To Be Continued...

Next Time: Our three heroes continue their journey through Unova as they come across a sand resort. Also why is their a Sandile with sunglasses trying to keep visitors away? Will Ash capture the Sandile? Stay Tuned to find out!

Next Time on Pokemon Black & White:Episode 03: A Sandile Gusher of Change! Coming Soon to a Fanfiction Site near you.

Author's Note: I figured I would create my own story and plot for Pokemon Black & White as well as Pokemon BW: Rival Destinies. I do hope you all enjoy this Read and review. I rewrote a section of this chapter and just had Pidove get knocked out.

Special Author's Notes: Occasionally I will include these at the end of an Episode. This is usually included when I introduce something that wasn't in the original Anime. So here is the first of such special notes

(1) Trinity, the name for Hilda's Tepig: I named Hilda's Tepig, after remembering I had a female Tepig on one of my Generation V DS/DSL/Dsi/Dsi XL/3DS versions, can't remember which one it was though since I have since deleted that game and started a few others since then. On one of my games, I chose Tepig at the beginning and it was a female Tepig, so I decided to name her Trinity. I am using that name in this story because, just like the actual Anime, Ash will get a Tepig of his own that is male. That is also the reason why I had Hilda put a bow in her Tepig's hair in this story. Thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoy! ~AshK